Monthly Archives

March 2014

Bras and bumps

Last week I took the plunge (pun intended) and went maternity bra shopping. I hadn’t really given it much thought. I just thought I’d wear my old bras until they didn’t fit anymore. I had noticed they were getting a little tighter, I was down to the last notch! My boobs were feeling heavier but I hadn’t noticed much change in size. It was only when I was telling my mummy friend that my boobies were starting to get a…

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  • Morning sickness

    So today at 8 weeks and 5 days I had my first real bout of morning sickness. And let me tell you, its as horrendous as you imagine. I had survived…

  • Girls Day

    Last weekend I went to London for the day to have a catch up with Lucy and Laura, My sister in laws. It’s not often we all get together. What with…

  • Keeping your pregnancy secret

    So the next thing you must do as a newly expectant mother for the first time is to keep it a secret. I find this very hard!! The very day I…

  • I’m Pregnant

    Ok so today I found out I was pregnant! About 7 weeks pregnant to be exact which is crazy! How can I be that far gone and not even know? It’s…

  • New raised beds

    Today, with the help of my darling husband, ok he did most if the work, I just instructed! Well together anyway… We built my square foot garden raised beds! This excited…