New raised beds

Today, with the help of my darling husband, ok he did most if the work, I just instructed! Well together anyway… We built my square foot garden raised beds!

This excited me greatly! He even made me the square foot garden grid to go on top. I am so pleased! It looks awesome. Just like the book. Mel would be proud.

The raised beds I have used are the Keter raised garden beds, which I got from home base. I honestly can’t rave about these enough! They are made of vinyl so they will last forever and won’t rot. They are really easy to slot together, it took about 2 mins. It also means that if I ever move they will be really easy to pull apart and take with me. They come with their own plastic cover and supports. This means I can protect my seedlings now but can also use the supports to wrap netting round as the weather improves. They even come with little signs to mark out what you have planted. They are £39.99 per bed and I purchased two. This does sounds a lot but I really they are an investment and so light weight and easy to use.

We filled the beds with mel’s mix. This is a mix of vermiculite, peat moss, and compost and so they are now ready to go.

I planted one square. First to be planted were my onion sets. The spacing I have used is 16 per square. I have read different things in different places about onion spacing. Some people say to plant only 9 per square meter. I have checked the all new square door gardening book aka MY BIBLE! Mel’s says 16 per square and Mel knows best. He did invent the square foot gardening method after all.

It’s been a tiring day but sooo worth it.

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