I only started to do pregnancy updates with Rosalie when I began to show which was at about 20 weeks so I missed half her pregnancy. I wanted to start from the very beginning this time so I can record the whole pregnancy from start to finish.
How far along? 8 weeks and 2 days. I did another pregnancy test this week expecting to be 3+ weeks pregnant but the pregnancy text said 2/3 weeks again. I think this is correct so I am probably 3 weeks pregnant from conception. This confuses me so much! I will ask the doctor on Friday what this means so hopefully next week I can explain it better.
How is baby growing? Baby is the size of a Raspberry. It is 1.6cm in length and it weighs 1g so the little babe has double in weight this week . This week the baby’s reproductive organs are developing. Even though the sex of the baby was determined at conception it is only now that the reproductive organs are forming. My baby’s face has an upper lip, eyelids and a tiny nose. A little tongue is growing inside a tiny mouth too. The baby’s finger and toes are also starting to develop. I find it so crazy to think that already all these little bits are growing. After miscarrying last time I kind of thought there wasn’t much of a baby there, it wasn’t a real baby, but it was, it has little fingers and toes and eyelids and a tiny tongue.
Maternity clothes: No maternity clothes yet. I am wearing a lot of high waisted skirts to work and then leggings on my non-working days. Who am I kidding I wear leggings to work sometimes too.
Stretch marks: No stretch marks yet. I have started to apply nightly body butter to help stop them developing. I was really lucky last time and only got a few stretch marks on my boobies. Nick thinks I will be even bigger this time round. I want to prove him wrong!
Sleep: Sleep has not been great. Rosalie is teething. Her big back teeth are coming through. She keeps waking up around 2/3am and crying. I go in and lay her down and she goes straight back to sleep so it isn’t too bad but it does disturb my sleep and then I am really struggling to get back to sleep. My eyes looked reeeally tired this morning. All red and puffy.
Best moment this week: Nothing has really happened this week. I have an appointment with the doctor on Friday so hopefully she can help me make sense of my dates.
Miss anything? Not yet. I am only having one coffee a day in the morning and it hasn’t been too bad. I usually have a cup of tea at night too.
Movement: I felt a few sensations in the womb area. I think they call it quickening. My Uterus is the size of an orange about now so I guess it is just my uterus expanding.
Gender: Still don’t know.
Labour signs: Nope.
Symptoms: Pregnancy spots are still hideous. Really big, lumpy ones that hurt! My skin has been little that for the last few months. What with being pregnant, miscarrying and then getting pregnant again my hormones have been all over the place and so my poor skin has suffered.
I am starting to feel bigger in the womb area. My tummy looks kind of bloated.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No morning sickness at all. I have been taking folic acid with vitamin D for a good few months. I was taking it when I was pregnant before and I have just carried on. I read somewhere that if you take the vitamins morning sickness is a lot better.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy.
How I feel? I am starting to get a little anxious. After miscarrying my last pregnancy I am just praying that everything develops as it should and we get to see our baby at the 12 week scan.
Looking forward to: Seeing the doctor so we can book our scan date, I am going to ask if we can be seen as early as possible to put my mind at rest. I am considering buying a Doppler but I’m not sure if that will do more harm than good. If I can’t find a heart beat I may panic more!
UPDATE: I had a 2nd miscarriage at approximately 4/5 weeks based on the doctors calculations. By the time I had a blood test to confirm my HCG levels, Doctors advised my hormone levels were too low to register as a pregnancy.
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