Here we are, you are now 12 months old. 1 whole year. What a beautiful little toddler you are. You are walking and it makes me so sad to think that your time as a baby has already come to an end.
Weight: Rosalie was weighed last week and she weight 25lbs 4 onces.Height: She is 74 cm tall.
Daily: I have started back at work. I am currently working two days a week so Rosalie is looked after by Nanny Tracy and Grandma on those days.
On a normal day Rosalie wakes up around 7am. If she wakes up before 7am, she will sit and play quite happily until I get her out of her cot at 7am. We then go downstairs and I give Rosalie a beaker of cow’s milk.
Between 8am and 9am Rosalie will have her breakfast. Usually at around 10.30am I will put Rosalie down for a nap. She normally sleeps for an hour or so.
When Rosalie wakes we will have lunch, followed by our afternoon activity.
In the evening, we aim to have dinner at about 5.30pm/6pm. After dinner, I will get Rosalie ready for bed. Every night she has a bath, I clean her teeth and wash her face with a flannel. We then have towel cuddles and I dress Rosalie in her pyjama’s. I breastfeed Rosalie and then put her down in her cot. She is normally asleep within minutes.
Playtime: Rosalie is full on walking. Sometimes, she travels so fast, she practically runs! Although when she does that she tends to trip herself up. Cue lots of bruises!
Rosalie got lots of new toys for her birthday. She this post here if you’re interested… She plays with her rocking horse and bouncing rabbit but you have to put her on it, she can’t get on herself yet. She loves her kitchen! She spends many hours running back and forth from the living room to the kitchen with different vegetables in her hands.
She has also started to take more interest in soft toys. In particular a bunny rabbit she got for her birthday. She also likes a stretchy rubber worm, she doesn’t seem to ever let go of it.
Rosalie looks for Ralph the dog every morning. She chases him round and he runs around after her. They play nicely with each other.
Rosalie loves music and dances when she hears it. If I sing ‘if your happy and you know it’ She claps away through the whole song.
Bedtime: The sleep training worked really well. It was only really bad for the first few days. Within two weeks she was settling herself within 5 minutes. Every night now she will fall asleep on her own. She sometimes crys for a little bit but she is normally asleep within 5 minutes of putting her down. Rosalie then sleeps through until 7am.
Feeding: Rosalie is fully weaned now. She eats everything we eat, she often has the same portion sizes as me! Rosalie eats her food in her highchair at the table. She uses her fingers to feed herself most of the time and will take a spoon when she has yogurt. If I load the spoon Rosalie takes it off me and feeds herself. I have started to give her a fork at meal times and a few time she has stabbed a raspberry and eaten it off of her fork. If I put food on the end of the fork she will eat it off.
Rosalie has 1 breast feed before bed. Once we return from holiday I will stop breast feeding all together and give her a beaker of cow’s milk before bed too.
Sizes: Rosalie is still wearing 9-12 month clothing mostly. She was given a lot of 12-18 month clothes for her birthday. She has worn a few 12-18 bits and they do fit her but I have tried to save them for holiday. I have decided to keep both 9-12 and 12-18 months clothes in her drawers for now.
Walking – Rosalie walks, she can go up and down steps by herself. She can even climb the stairs! She likes to climb things. Nanny Tracy bought her a toddler climbing frame for Christmas and she can climb up it by herself. She can also climb onto the sofa.
Teeth – Rosalie has 4 teeth. Her bottom two have been there for a while but now her top two teeth are about half way down. She has been really good and they haven’t seemed to bother her too much.
Talking – Rosalie can say ‘Mama’, ‘Dada’, ‘Nana’, ‘yea’, ‘no’,‘Dir-ty’, ‘woof’ and ‘mooooo’ She knows who people are and who Ralph the dog is.
Actions – She claps her hands, points at things she wants, and waves bye bye. She will also put her arms up and reach for someone if she wants to go to them.
Kisses – Rosalie leans forward and will give you an actual kiss as well as blowing kisses.
Rosalie is 1 year old and a fully fledged toddler. I can’t believe her baby time is over. She is loving learning all the new things and it is wonderful to see. She likes to climb everything and loves to race about with ralph. We go on holiday next week and I can wait to go to the pool and the play areas with her now she can play with things herself. She is such an adventurer.
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