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  • Miscarriage No.1 – 8 week Update

    So here we go… How far along? 8 weeks pregnant today. Due date? Technically my due date is 10th Junehowever I tend to ovulate quite late and so I expect I am more likely to…

  • Miscarriage No.1 – 7 week update

    So I found out a few days ago I was 7 weeks pregnant. Say what?! I am 7 weeks and 3 days according my calculations from the first day of my…

  • Why I love my post feeding puppies?

    So after 13 wondeful  months I have stopped breast feeding Rosalie. I have been left with some what, shall we say, empty mounds upon my chest. I am embracing these new…

  • What’s in my hospital bag?

    I found these ‘What’s in my hospital bag?’ you tube videos really helpful when trying to decide what to pack in my own hospital bag. So now i’m all packed I…

  • Pregnancy Update – 39 weeks

    How far along? Still 39 weeks and 3 days Pregnant Maternity clothes: YES!! Mainly maternity leggings and t shirts. I made the mistake of wearing a normal sized t shirt into…

  • Baby Shower

    So two weeks ago after just managing to get the kitchen finished in time (the tiler left at 12pm the day before!) I was able to host my baby shower at…

  • Pregnancy Update – 38 weeks

    How far along? 38 weeks and 3 days. Maternity clothes: My bump has got so big that a lot of my maternity dresses are now becoming too short :-s Just trying…

  • Pregnancy Update – 37 weeks

      How far along? 37 weeks and 5 days Pregnant. Maternity clothes:  Not much to report here. No new maternity clothes. I have really fallen out of love with shopping for…

  • Pregnancy Update – 36 Weeks

    How far along? 36 weeks and 4 days Pregnant. Maternity clothes: I am reeeeally running out of clothes that fit now. The no washing machine sitch is not helping! Luckily I…