Browsing Category


  • Clean Eating

    It’s January and it’s time to be good. Collectively this family has eaten it’s way through a barrel load of chocolate, dozens of LARGE kettle crisp packets, and an excessive amount…

  • Garden Update – August 2015

    It’s been all go in the garden this month. Nick and his dad have been working really, really hard and it has been transformed. It’s not quite finished yet but it…

  • Garden Update – July 2015

        I don’t know, I don’t feel like much has grown this month as opposed to the growth in July of previous years. I have no actually evidence of this, just a general…

  • Garden Update – June 2015

    June has somehow crept upon us, bringing with it lots of jobs that need doing in the garden. I can’t moan too much. I have only been taking care of my raised…

  • My Garden – May 2015

    I have a little garden, now promise you won’t laugh. It hasn’t many flowers and there isn’t any grass. But soon we are going to dig and plant… Get rid of…

  • Grocery Haul – 23rd April 2015

    I wasn’t going to film another grocery haul because I filmed one only last week and I didn’t want to overload you all 😉 However, this all changed after my recent shop to…

  • Grocery Haul – 17th April 2015

    After the Easter indulgence, mainly my over indulgence, we I am trying to be good. Smoothies, sweet potatoes and salads are the order of the day. The paleo mackerel pate recipe I tried…

  • Grocery Haul & Meal Plan – 29th March 2015

    What’s cooking this week? I’ve not been very creative with the meal plan this week. We will be having the sausage and kale casserole again for then second time because it’s…