Maeve turned 3 months old on 8th of August 2017.
I last had Maeve weighed on 7th of August and she weighed 14lb 14 oz.
Our Daily routine has gone out of the window this last week as we have been away on holiday. She has coped with it all so well and settles in to whatever we have planned.
Maeve sleeps through till around 5am now. I think she would probably go longer but naughty mama usually wakes her as my boobs are so full by then. I wake and then I can’t get back to sleep because I’m so uncomfortable. I feed and wind her and lay her back down in her crib.
I don’t change her bum then as I find it wakes her up too much but if she’s wriggled out of her swaddle I’ll reswaddle her. I then put Maeve back in her crib in hope that she’ll fall back to sleep. This is Maeve’s most awake time of the day and I feel like such a meanie putting her dummy back in and trying to get her to go back off. She usually spits her dummy out and beams at me. Rosalie will normally wake around 7am and comes into the bedroom to join us.
If we are off out early, I’ll do my make up and get the girls washed and dressed before we head downstairs to have our breakfast. If we are staying in or having a lazy day we go downstairs in our pyjamas.
I’ll make breakfast for us all and then whilst Rosalie eats hers I’ll feed Maeve.
I then put Maeve in her bouncy chair or Moses basket so I can get on and do some tidying. I’ll clear away the breakfast things, put the dishwasher on and do a load of washing.
Once we are all dressed and fed we’ll do whatever we have planned for the day. We’ll go out, meet friends or if we are having a home day we’ll play in the garden or do some painting or craft. Or some days we just watch tele! Maeve’s feeds have been all over the place lately as we have been away and doing different things so she’s fed whenever is convenient. She is still feeding roughly every 4 hours but sometimes she does go longer. I still feed on demand so if she is asleep or settled I usually won’t feed her until she cries.
Maeve usually spends her evenings downstairs with us and then we put her in her crib at 10pm.
Maeve has her bouncy chair and play mat. She spends more time in her rocker than on the playmat at the moment. If I’m honest she isn’t really a fan of her play mat. She’ll lay on there for a little bit but within about 10 minutes she has had enough. She is really starting to interact more and smiles and giggles at us. We put Rosalie in her jumperoo at 3 months so I might bring it down and give Maeve a try in it to see what she thinks.
We are still putting Maeve to bed at around 10/11pm when Nick and I go to bed. She normally has a bath earlier in the evening at around 7pm. I put her in her sleep suit so she is all ready for bed. She normally sleeps most of the evening on the sofa next to us.
When we go up to bed, I get ready for bed first, clean my teeth and take my make up off whilst Nick changes Maevie’s bum, and swaddles her. I will then feed her for the last time sat on our bed. Once I’ve winded Maeve a little I’ll transfer her to her crib next to me.
I am still exclusively breast feeding Maeve and it’s going really well.
She is feeding roughly every 4 hours but sometimes she does go longer. I still feed on demand so if she is asleep or settled I usually won’t feed her until she cries.
I feed her on one side first, wind her and then offer her the other side which she normally takes. She doesn’t take as long to feed these days and we are normally all finished within 15 minutes.
I still write down the time I feed Maeve and which breast I feed from first. Mainly because I keep forgetting how long it’s been since I last fed her! I then alternate which breast I start with at each feed. She has about 5 feeds a day.
My milk supply is pretty good now, my boobs do still get full before a feed but they aren’t painful.
I am using a Hakaa pump to catch any excess boob milk from whichever breast I’m not feeding from during the first feed of the day. This is working really well and means I have quite a milk supply in the freezer which I need for up and coming wedding events.
The day Maeve turned 3 months old I started to dress her into her 3-6 month clothing. Her sleepsuits had been a little snug for a while but I had been clinging on for as long as I could. The 3-6 month sleepsuits are a little big still. The 3-6 month dresses are a little loose but the t shirts and leggings seem to fit her well.
Smiling – Maeve does smile often now but it really isn’t an obvious smile. More of a grimace bless her little heart!
Supporting her head – Maeve can hold her head up for small periods but is still quite floppy. I put her in her bumbo for a little bit today and she did seem to quite like that. I definitely think I need to try and do more tummy time.
Making sounds – Maeve now coos and gargles which is lovely to hear.
Grabbing – I haven’t noticed Maeve grabbing on to anything so I might have to try and give her a few toys to play with.
Maevie is absolutely gorgeous. She is such a little pudding and so easy going. She goes along with all Rosalie’s and Mummy’s plans. She loves watching her sister and is happiest snuggled in to your arms.
Take a look at Maeve’s 3 month old baby update over on my youtube channel:::
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