Maeve turned 1 month old on 8th of June 2017. We are a little late with this update but that is pretty much my life right now with a newborn, and a toddler!
I took Maeve to be weighed on 9th of June and she weighed 10lbs 2 oz.
Normally Meave’s last feed is around 10/11pm. I will then swaddle her and lay her down in her crib next to our bed. She will sleep there until around 4.30/5am. I will then feed and wind Maeve and lay her back down in her crib afterwards, she will normally go back to sleep. At around 7am Rosalie wakes and comes into our bedroom. I try and get Rosalie to sleep a little longer in our bed, usually by giving her the ipad. If I’m successful I might get an extra half an hour in bed. If not, we all have to go downstairs.
What we do during the day is largely dependent on my two year old. We normally go down and have our breakfast in the living room. Maeve will have another feed then too. Afterwards I’ll do some tidying, put some washing on, empty the dishwasher etc before we all go upstairs to get ready. I normally try to get dressed and do my make up first while Rosalie watches a little more ipad and Maeve sits in her bouncy chair.
Once dressed we do whatever activity we have planned for the day. Maeve’s feeds will vary throughout the day depending on what we are doing. Rosalie has preschool on a Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon from 12.30pm until 3pm. On those days I usually try and feed Maeve before we leave the house at about 12pm, we walk to preschool and if I do that I find that Maeve will sometimes fall asleep in the pram and sleep through until it is time to collect Rosalie. I always like to feed Maeve just before we go and pick Rosalie up so I know she has been taken care of and so that I am not feeding Maeve as soon as Rosalie comes in.
In the afternoon, I will do some kind of activity with Rosalie, usually drawing or sticker books before its time to cook dinner. Maeve will sit with us in her bouncy chair or high chair until daddy comes home and gives her cuddles. Maeve sits with us at the table in her Stokke tripp trapp, which I absolutely love, I think it’s so important for her to be part of dinner time.
After dinner, I will tidy up while Daddy takes Rosalie upstairs for a bath. I will then join them and feed Maeve on our bed. Some nights I will give Maeve a bath then before going back downstairs.
Maeve is not really playing with anything at the moment as she is too little. She is mainly just sleeping.
We start to put Maeve to bed at around 10/11pm. I get ready for bed, clean my teeth and take my make up off whilst Nick changes Maevie’s bum, and puts her in her pyjamas. I will then feed her sat on our bed.
I normally feed her on one side and then swaddle her in between and then feed her again on the other side once she is all wrapped up. We have swaddled Maeve since she was born as we did with Rosalie and I find that she sleeps so much better when swaddled. So much so that if Nick swaddles Maeve before I have fed her she will fall asleep on her own!
Once Maeve has finished feeding I wind her a little bit (whilst trying not to wake her up too much!) and then put her down in her crib.
Maeve is exclusively breast fed and has been since birth. I feed her on one side first, wind her in between and then feed her on the other side. Maeve is a very quick feeder and this normally takes around 20 minutes. I am still writing down the time I feed and which breast I feed from first so I can alternate which breast I start with at each feed. She has approximately 10 feeds a day.
I seem to have a lot of milk as I did when I breastfed Rosalie. I have learnt from my mistakes last time round and I am not expressing at all, despite having mastitis twice. My boobs are still very full.
Maeve is still in her Newborn clothes but I think it is time to move her into size 0-3 month clothing. Maeve has alot of clothes! We were gifted so many nice clothes in size 0-3, I also kept all of Rosalie’s clothes so her wardrobe is pretty full. The trouble is they are all so lovely! I have started to dress Maeve in outfits instead of baby grows now so that she gets the opportunity to wear all of the gorgeous things she has.
Holding her head up – Maeve can hold he head up for small periods but she doesn’t do it for long.
Watching – She follows noises and movements and looks at you when you talk to her, she still cant focus properly and is a little cross eyed!
Our baby girl has settled in wonderfully. I can’t believe she’s been here this long already! Its going so fast. I’m so worried I am not taking enough photos of her to record it all.
21st June 2017 at 3:15 PMOh she is gorgeous!! What a great chunky size as well, our little girl is still around the 6lb mark so hasn’t hit many of those milestones yet like being able to hold her head.
Rebecca | AAUBlog
21st June 2017 at 3:23 PMso gorgeous – her little putts are so lovely. Sounds like she is sleeping pretty well for a one month old – long may it continue x
21st June 2017 at 8:49 PMI found it really hard to spread my time between my girls in the early days.
Le Coin de Mel
21st June 2017 at 10:41 PMWhat a beautiful little family you have! Those professional photos of your baba, and the one of the two girls are quite simply stunning. Memories to treasure forever. I started writing monthly updates when my youngest was born, for every one of my little ones. I’m still doing it 3 years on and I love it!
Emma @sophieellaandme
22nd June 2017 at 9:59 PMOh she’s just beautiful, she really looks like Rosalie! x
Where Roots And Wings Entwine
22nd June 2017 at 11:21 PMShe is beautiful and I love the photographs. The one of the your girls together is simply adorable. Lovely update, seems as if she has slotted lovely into family life.
26th June 2017 at 9:04 PMOh shes amazing, what a great little baby. Well done you on getting in a great routine. 2nd babies always fit in so nicely, and you can never imagine life without them.
Cardiff Mummy Says - Cathryn
29th June 2017 at 11:22 PMOhhhh, she is absolutely adorable! What a beauty. So precious. I love her little floral babygro and the photos are gorgeous. Sounds like you she is settling in well to family life x