Wow! 18 months. I knew it was coming but I still hadn’t fully prepared myself to have an 18 month year old. It seems so old. Your last 6 months on wearing baby clothes. I will be clinging on for as long as possible!
Weight: I still have no idea. I might take her to get weighed this week. I really should find out.
Daily: Rosalie usually wakes up at around 7.30am. On a working day I get her up, change her nappy and get her dressed before going downstairs to have breakfast together.
On a non working, we have a lazy morning and go downstairs in our pyjamas. We watch a little TV Whilst Rosalie drinks her milk and mummy has her coffee. We will have breakfast later at around 9am.
After Breakfast I get Rosalie dressed for the day. We then go out, see our friends or just play games at home. We have lunch between 12 and 2pm depending on what are plans are. Rosalie now only tends to have only one nap a day. Sometimes I will put her down earlier at 11am and we will have a late lunch. Other days we have an early lunch at 12pm and Rosalie will have her nap after.
We have dinner every night at 5.30pm. Rosalie and I always sit down to eat together. Daddy is sometimes there depending on if he is training early that night.
Playtime: The television is her favourite thing and she always asks to have ‘Pepa’ on. I must say if she asks to have it on and we are not doing anything I do let her have it on. If she starts to not watch it I like to turn it off so it’s not just on in the background. As soon as she realises she asks to have it back on again though!
Rosalie has really been enjoying a plastic shape sorter she was given for Christmas. She pulls this out every day to play with. I bought Rosalie a pepper pig play house which she likes to play with. She is a little to young for it really and just empties the bits and pieces all over the floor. I am a little OCD about it as I don’t want bits to get lost. I have to keep going under the sofa to collect a stray chair so that it all goes away together.
We don’t read as much as we used to. I am ashamed to say I think reading has been replaced with TV time. We must get back into reading again.
Rosalie has really taken to dancing this month. Whenever she hears Music she starts to dance. I took her to a Music and movement class this month but it was quite loud. Rosalie didn’t like it at all and cried. She starts Baby ballet classes next week so fingers crossed that goes well.
Bedtime: Rosalie goes to bed at 7pm every night. I give her a bath every other night. After we have finished our dinner, usually at around 6pm we go upstairs and have a bath. I wash her hair and wash her body in some cream I was prescribed from the doctor. After her bath. We have towel cuddles and then Rosalie will pick out what pyjamas she wants to wear. We then read a story before bed. On nights where we don’t bath Rosalie we usually go upstairs and get ready for bed and then come back down to watch in the night garden before bed.
Feeding: Rosalie eats pretty much everything. She is starting to leave her veggies till last and eat all the good stuff first! She does eat them eventually though. She is loving raisins as a snack and I made some chocolate energy balls which I give her when she asks for ‘choc-choc’ Sneaky mama.
Sizes: Rosalie is mostly in size 12-18 month clothes still. She has worn a few 18 months to 2 years clothes but they are a little big. I put her in an 18 – 24 month sleep suit the other day and it was huge! So I have now moved that to the back of her drawer.
She is in size 5 nappies.
Teeth – Rosalie has no more teeth. There are still 10 at the moment.
Talking – Rosalie is talking so much more now. Every day she comes out with a new word. She said ‘Cot’ the other day whilst pointing to her coat hanging up on the hook. These are a few of the words she now says. I am sure it’s not all of them but I struggle to remember them all. She can say ‘doggy’, ‘woof’, ‘oh no’, ‘yea’, ‘Teddy’, ‘Baby’, ‘Uh-oh’, ‘Bye-bye’, ‘Nana’, ‘nar-nar’ ‘tickle-tickle’ ‘Dada’ ‘Mama’ ‘More’ ‘Pot pot’ ‘wee wee’ ‘poo poo’ ‘Bis-kit’ ‘Choc-lit’ ‘Breakfast’ ‘look’ ‘this’ ‘ralph’ ‘Ran-ma’ (Grandma) ‘coat’ ‘door’ ‘bin’ ‘up’ ‘dirty’ ‘Nanny’ She says ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ and if I ask her if she has finished her dinner she will answer. She understands a lot more than she can say and will go and get things I ask for.
Potty training – Since buying the two potties we havn’t done anymore potty training. Although she did a really big poo the other day and pointed to her bum and said ‘poo poo’. She obviously knew she had done it and was quite uncomfortable so wanted to be changed right away which is a good sign. I think I am going to wait until the summer to try again properly as it will be so much easier to let her run around in knickers and dresses with her legs out when the weather is nice.
18 months. Goodness me! I can’t believe how much you have grown and learnt. You amaze me every day. You are definitely not a baby anymore and are a very independent, feisty little toddler. Although I can’t believe how fast time is going. I also look forward to seeing the gorgeous little girl you are becoming.
Rebecca U
23rd February 2016 at 11:06 AMsounds like you've got a great routine going. my daughter is two in April and I can hardly believe it (i never know what she weighs either lol)
Sarah Cantwell
23rd February 2016 at 11:10 AMThanks hunny. Doesn't always go to plan but that's what we aim for! Ha ha, I keep means to go but we are just so busy xx
23rd February 2016 at 11:07 AMLovely post with great photos and memories x
Sarah Cantwell
23rd February 2016 at 11:10 AMThank you Caroline x
23rd February 2016 at 12:30 PMLovely post, great you can take the time and jot these things down, I started blogging when Emma was over 2 so I have no memories of those times!xx
Sarah Cantwell
23rd February 2016 at 5:43 PMI am so pleased that I have them to look back on. The time is going so fast! Xx
Emma Shilton
23rd February 2016 at 1:26 PMOh she's a gorgeous little lady. Love her outfits. I really like reading these posts, I did a monthly update when my little boy was in his early years as they change so quickly. It's great to read about what they were up to and enjoyed as it's over so quickly it gets forgotten
Sarah Cantwell
23rd February 2016 at 5:45 PMI'm sure in a few years time it will seem to have gone by in a blur! I already feel like that. At least I'll be able to remember with the help of these updates xx
We're going on an adventure
23rd February 2016 at 1:55 PMIt's so lovely to have record like this to look back on and it is one of the main reasons I started blogging.
Sarah Cantwell
23rd February 2016 at 5:45 PMMe too! I did weekly updates for the first year of Rosalie's life and I wrote down EVERYTHING! Lol, I'm so pleased I did though xx
Being Mrs Lynch
23rd February 2016 at 9:01 PMOh isn't she just gorgeous!! Time flies so quickly. Ailsa is 1 next month and I can't believe how quick she has grown I'm sure I'll be doing her 18 month update in no time.
Sarah Cantwell
23rd February 2016 at 9:18 PMThank you. I know everyone says this but it really does, cherish every moment! Xx
Zoe Lester
23rd February 2016 at 10:35 PMShe is so cute!! Time really flies past, but sounds like you've had an amazing time so far.
Sarah Cantwell
23rd February 2016 at 11:07 PMI'm loving every minute! Xx
24th February 2016 at 10:54 PMShe is doing so well! It's great having those updates, I failed so far with her actual record books but have such comfort knowing I have so much more detail logged on my blog x
Sarah Cantwell
25th February 2016 at 9:52 AMI also failed miserably with her baby record book! Our blogs make up for it though 🙂 xx