How far along? Still 39 weeks and 3 days Pregnant
Maternity clothes: YES!! Mainly maternity leggings and t shirts. I made the mistake of wearing a normal sized t shirt into town the other day, in my defence it was a man sized t shirt. Anyway it was a BIG mistake! It was hideous, I felt like I was going to burst out of it at any second. Back to maternity clothes I go.
Stretch marks: No stretch marks. Still applying ALOT of body butter but pleased it seems to be working.
Sleep: Better. Nick is on nights this week so I have the bed to myself which is rather lovely. I slept really well the first night but not so well last night.
Best moment this week: I have a scan today so that will be nice, hopefully I can find out how much she weighs at the moment so I can mentally prepare myself.
Miss anything? being normal sized! I am hating the bump at the moment. It bangs into everything and brushes passed stuff and gets dirty but I can’t see it because its round the other side.
Movement: She still moves a lot. I had read that at 39 weeks babies do not move as much as they have run out of space but she still seems to move as much as she ever did. Oh I reeeeeally want her to come soon!
Anything making you queasy or sick? No, not really.
Gender: Girl.
Labour signs: Nick jokes that every day I have a new sign that I may be going into labour. It’s really hard. My waters haven’t broken and there are no signs of a show but I have had some cramps but nothing that dramatic. I went for a dog walk yesterday and whilst walking the cramps got quite strong, I hoped I was going into labour, but that passed.
Symptoms: I have been drinking raspberry leaf tea for weeks, I have been bathing with clary sage oil every other day and rubbing it into my bump along with my body butter, Curry is on the menu for dinner again tonight and I have eaten 3 fresh pineapples this week but NOTHING!
Belly button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? On, Im not sure i’ll ever get them off again! :-s
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. Just eager to meet our little girl.
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