The Hall and landing has now had two coats of Dulux white cotton paint.
The bannisters have had their second coat of paint and are looking good. I painted these in Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.
The tiler has tiled the hall floor. The stairs and landing will be recarpeted once everything else is finished. We are thinking a dark grey colour at the moment.
I now have 5 doors to gloss on the landing. Hopefully I can make a start on these tonight.
I am on the lookout for a hall console table to go in front of the alcove where the old window used to be so that we can put the internetthingy bob (the correct name escapes me right now!) and the phone on top of it so I am scouring ebay for something suitable. I also quite fancy a key hook…
1 Comment
Mark David
25th February 2017 at 11:20 AMI am happy to go through your part 2 renovation hall. Its very nice info. Please share your Part 1 link with us