Grocery Haul and Meal Plan – 2 Jan 2017

Grocery haul and Meal Plan - 2nd January 2017 - Roseyhome - food, grocery haul, sainsburys, meal inspiration, meal plan, family food


Happy New Year People!

If you are anything like me you will have been eating your weight in chocolate and cheese since late November. That combined with the baby growing in my tum means that I am in a constant state of bloated-ness and feel full ALL OF THE TIME.

I really feel it when I’m not eating right. I’m craving fruit and vegetables and I am fed up of feeling ‘MEH’. I have no motivation and generally feel like rubbish. I am also noticing that it is effecting Rosalie she is eating the same as us and she is definitely not herself. The New Year is the perfect push I need to haul myself back on the healthy eating wagon. No more cheeky Mcdonalds trips or late night cheese and cracker suppers. It’s time this family got back into eating well.

You know me and to help me stay on track I need a meal plan. Below is what we will be eating this week. I’ve included a lot of comfort food meal ideas to ease us in gently, it is January after all, but I will be opting to cook clean, healthier alternatives of these classics. I’ve linked any new recipes we will be trying so you can try them too.


Monday – Spaghetti Bolognese

Tuesday – Cajun Chicken breast with roasted veg

Wednesday – Green Thai Curry

Thursday – Chicken Pasta

Friday – Homemade Pizza

Saturday – Roast Pork

Sunday – Sausage and Mash and Onion Gravy


You can find this week’s Grocery Haul with all the ingredients I’ll be using to make these meals below.

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  • Reply
    6th January 2017 at 9:47 AM

    Your weekly meal plan looks much like ours :o) we’re trying desperately to get back to ‘normal’ following xmas. I’m 12 weeks pregnant and so I know how hard it is to stop yourself nibbling away or picking up a cheeky maccers!! xx

    • Reply
      9th January 2017 at 4:18 PM

      Mcdonalds breakfasts are my downfall. I think I had three one week! oops! xx

  • Reply
    Rebecca | AAUBlog
    6th January 2017 at 2:00 PM

    I have been feeling the same – it is so hard to eat well in this kind of weather and when I’ve been so busy. Had a pretty healthy week this week, though x

  • Reply
    This Mama Life
    6th January 2017 at 3:09 PM

    I think this is the first year I haven’t felt awful after Christmas and it’s purely only because of having to be dairy free for Lachlan!!! No cheese and chocolate for me – boooo. I do still have baby weight to lose but I will have ALL the pizza when I stop bf haha. Loving the sound of your Cajun chicken and Thai curry. Yums x

  • Reply
    6th January 2017 at 5:08 PM

    Your meal plan looks fab – expecially the cajun chicken which I love but rarely have as the ids aren’t big fans x

    • Reply
      9th January 2017 at 4:09 PM

      Thanks hun, I sometimes make Rosalie a plain chicken breast or do chicken breast wrapped in bacon with a sprinkle of cheese on top, if I think its going to be a little too spicy. xx

  • Reply
    10th January 2017 at 9:38 AM

    A weekly meal plan sounds great and I’m sure it saves loads of money as well. I’m not very good at meal planning, I’m more of a “step in the supermarket after school drop off and see what deals there are” sort of girl and my meals vary widely from week to week because of this.xx

  • Reply
    10th January 2017 at 8:22 PM

    Lovely meals. I’d all of them. For the new year I am planning to try out a few new different meals and introduce more veg into the kids diet.

    • Reply
      11th January 2017 at 9:44 PM

      Sounds great. I always try and put as much veg as I can in and so if Rosalie eats at least some I’m winning! xx

  • Reply
    Steph (@steph_baybee)
    10th January 2017 at 9:36 PM

    I keep meaning to write up meal plan, I always meal plan at home but never remember to feature them on my blog! I like the sound of Cajun Chicken breast with roasted veg!

    • Reply
      11th January 2017 at 9:49 PM

      I find I’m more likely to stick to my meal plan if I hit publish xx

  • Reply
    Le Coin de Mel
    12th January 2017 at 10:21 PM

    I love a grocery haul! I find these videos compelling to watch. You start with one, and a couple of hours later, you’re still staring at the screen. It’s also great for inspiration when it comes to meals. Nice meal plan!

    • Reply
      18th January 2017 at 10:46 AM

      Thanks hunny, Addictive aren’t they? I think its because they are so short too, you are like ok then, just one more! xx

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