Randomly one afternoon a few weeks ago, on a day when the whether liked to change its mind on a whim. Having spent yet another morning staring into the abyss that is my wardrobe, procrastinating about what to wear. I decided to take the plunge and SORT-IT-OUT!
I’d been watching light by coco’s channel and reading up on project 333. I’m nowhere near this stage and right now and I don’t want to be. Yet it inspired me and I’ve taken steps to become more organised, baby steps granted.
I’ve streamlined my wardrobe considerably. You probably think this is still a lot but its probably half the wardrobe it was before :-s
I have put away a lot of skirts and dresses that I don’t think I’ll wear. I’m not ready to let them go yet but maybe once they have sat on a shelf, unworn, for a year I’ll be ready. I’ve made a start and that is the most important thing.
I have put away a lot of skirts and dresses that I don’t think I’ll wear. I’m not ready to let them go yet but maybe once they have sat on a shelf, unworn, for a year I’ll be ready. I’ve made a start and that is the most important thing.
I thought i’d film a video of my newly organised wardrobe. I love all the things in the wardrobe and it makes getting dressed in the morning a doddle. Well a little bit easier anyway. You can view the video here.
How do you organise your wardrobe? Do you change things around seasonally? I’d love to know.
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