New Toy


I apologise for being absent the last few days. Its been abit hectic round here.
Last Thursday was my last day at work last week before starting maternity.
On Friday we still had workman at the house finishing off the last bits. The house is now finished! or as finished as it is going to be for a while. Praise the lord!! Reveals coming soon…
On Saturday I hosted my baby shower at home. Now when I say hosted I mean that loosely, I did absolutely none of the preparation. This was all taken care off by my friends but I did provide the venue.
Sunday, I had a rest.
Monday, we had to drop the car off at the garage. Trauma!
aaaand Tuesday was my Birthday. Thank you to everyone that left me birthday messages. I had a lovely day yesterday. Nick and I went into Reading for a spot of shopping and a nice lunch. My Mum, Nan and Andy then came round for dinner in the evening.
Nick and I also purchased my birthday present whilst shopping. A shiny new iMac! Now I have never used an iMac before. I have big ideas for this bad boy but for now I am just learning so you are going to have to bare with me. Blog posts may be abit shall we say… sparodic! I will do my best and I promise it will be worth it.


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