Garden Update – Seedlings

This weekend I did some pottering in the garden. I didn’t do any of the big jobs that needed to be done, like pull up the ever growing weeds or clean down the furniture. I did the fun stuff like planting seeds.

The job of the day was to plant my lettuce seeds. I had
started some of the salad leaves off in pots already so I had those to plant out. Some
of the seeds I had planted in pots didn’t sprout at all so I decided to plant some
more seeds directly into my raised bed and hope for the best. My raised beds
are under cover so I think it will actually be warmer in there than on the
window sill. I planted out the mixed salad leaves and stir fry leaves
sprouting’s and planted some iceberg lettuce and rocket seeds straight into the
soil. Fingers crossed they like it better in there!

Salad leaf seedlings

I also planted out my little cauliflower shoot.

My onions, garlic and potatoes are coming along nicely.
Onions and cauliflower seedling in raised bed
Potatoes in potatoe bag.

As a side note. I must say it really is so much easier using
the square foot gardening method. Using a mix of vermiculite, compost and peat
moss to fill my beds has meant that I do not to water half as much. Last year I
was watering the garden every night with the hose. This year I have only had to
get the hose out one or two times a week. I check on the plants every day but
the ground is still moist. It really is so much easier and a lot less hard work
which is just what I need in my condition. I really would recommend the square foot gardening method to any one thinking about growing vegetables, it really is a lot less hardwork!

I have planted out some flowers seeds in pots in my little
green house and they are all shooting. I check on these and have to water them
more often as they just have normal compost in the pots but even then its no
bother as I just fill up my little watering can from the kitchen sink and it
takes 2 minutes.

I’ll leave you with a picture of some pretty flowers in my border. These were planted before I moved in and come up every year so I cant take the credit for them. If anyone knows what they are i’d love to know.

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