Here is my DIY Easter egg hunt for Dogs!!!
This Easter weekend Nick and I are staying in a country cottage with our friends. We will all be taking our dogs with us. In total there will be 4 couples, 1 baby and 7 dogs!!! He he! We plan to go for nice long walks and eat lots of scrummy food.
To help our Easter Extravaganza go with a bang (and also to burn off some beagle energy!) I wanted to plan an easter egg hunt for the dogs. I looked everywhere to find some Easter eggs for them to no avail. The one I did find was £5.99 for one! With 7 dogs to feed this would be an expensive exercise, also with only one each the hunt would be over in minutes.
So I set about making my own.
I bought the plastic eggs from the 99p shop, I bought two packets so they’d be enough for the whole pack. I then bought some small treats to fill them. I decided on doggy chocolate drops so our doggy’s can have a chocolate treat too! These were from the 99p shop. As well as meaty chunks because they’ll all love those, the ones I got were from Wilkinson’s. They cost £1. I gave Ralph a sneaky taster and he approved!
Next I set about filling the eggs with treats. Once filled, I snapped them shut and there you have it. The Easter bucket the eggs are stored in was also from the 99p shop. Perfect for when I hide the eggs round the garden on Sunday morning.
With all my purchases totalling £4.96, it was cheaper than buying 1 egg from the pet shop. It just goes to show you don’t have to spend lots to really make a fuss of your pet if your abit inventive! Hope this inspires you to make some Easter treats for your pets. What’s so good is that you can fill the eggs with whatever your pet likes, whether its a dog, cat or rabbit! Fingers crossed the doggies like them 🙂
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