Pregnancy Update – 38 Weeks

Pregnancy update - 38 weeks - roseyhome - pregnancy, pregnant, baby, mummy, parenting, pregnancy after miscarriage, pregnant with baby no.2


How far along? 38 weeks and 4 days


Due date? 7th May 2017


How is baby doing? Baby’s skull is still very soft to allow for the trip through the birth canal. Some of the tiny bones in baby’s body wont fuse together until after birth. At this point baby girl is ingesting a lot of amniotic fluid. This is resulting in the build up of meconium, the first bowel movement that baby will have after birth. Baby’s tiny fingernails continue to grow but are kept soft inside the uterus. Baby girl is gaining about 1 ounce every day at this stage. The lubricant that will keep baby’s lungs from sticking together during breathing  is being readily produced.


Maternity clothes: I  am still living in my staple Asos black over the bump maternity leggings. I have 3 pairs that I am wearing on rotation. I can’t wear any other leggings as they push on my bladder and make me need to wee all the time! There is only a limited number of tops I can wear now that my bump has got so big. Most of them are actual maternity wear. There are a small number of non maternity items but these are really baggy things.


Stretch marks: I have a few purply stretch marks that have appeared on the underside of my boobies. I am still applying body butter every night and I am also rubbing clary sage and lavender essential oils into my bump and boobs to help encourage labour.


Sleep: I’ve been going to bed slightly later this week as I have had some work to do and it’s actually been better as I haven’t been waking up as much during the night. I can’t really get comfortable at all now. If I sleep on my left hand side baby girl kicks me in the ribs so I think she must be laying that way. I am only able to sleep on my right hand side but if I stay in one position for too long I get achy hips. I am finding it really hard to turn over in bed and I am making alot of grunting noises when I do.


Best moment this week: Hopefully Nick and his dad will be able to plaster the garage conversion so that we no longer have a hole in our hallway wall. The dust has been terrible this week and I am having to hoover about 3 times a day.


Miss anything? I  am missing being able to sit comfortably, being able to snuggle in my duvet properly, not having to go to the toilet every 5 seconds, being able to walk…the usual. I have enough of this bump now. I am seriously considering asking for a stretch and sweep at my midwife appointment next thursday.


Movement: I am getting big kicks in the ribs now. If I lean on her she definitely lets me know about it.


Gender: It’s a Girl.


Labour signs: No labour signs. No Braxton Hicks. I have started to get some cramping sensations but nothing to write home about. I’m in two minds, I would like baby to come early. I’ve had enough of being pregnant now but I would also like the room downstairs to at least not be dusty anymore. It’s so hard to keep clean and I really don’t want to bring a newborn home to that.


Symptoms: I feel like the baby has dropped this week. I keep feeling like I need to go to the toilet, like every 10 minutes so I think baby must be sat on my bladder. I am very breathless and I find myself huffing and puffing a lot. My bump is getting bigger. I can’t eat that much as there is too much baby in my belly. I am having to eat little and often.


Anything making you queasy or sick? No.


Belly button in or out? My belly button is out.


Wedding rings on or off? My wedding rings are on.


Happy or moody most of the time: I would say I am happy most of the time. Although I am very close to the edge. Nick made some comment about something the other day and I literally FLIPPED OUT. Everything is such a struggle when you are this pregnant. Everything takes so much longer to do. I am also a ridiculous klutz, I keep dropping things and knocking things over. It’s annoying.


How I feel? I am still feeling a lot calmer about everything. A few weeks ago I was quite panicked but I feel better now. We still have to get the car seat, pushchair and bouncy chair out of the loft but we haven’t really got anywhere to put it and because everything is so dusty I don’t really want to get them down just yet.


Looking forward to: there not being a hole in my hall anymore so that the house isn’t so dusty!



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