This post has been a long time coming! I’ve lacked any editing motivation of late so it’s taken a while. I did a little cheer me up shop at the end of January. I had resisted spending the whole of Jan and it was just too much so Nicholas let me loose.
I picked up a few nice every day bits that I have been wearing regularly. With all my newly acquired pieces it’s time to clear out the older stuff! I’m thinking of doing a little clothes sale. I can’t decide where to do it though. I’m torn between ebay, facebook selling pages (sorry friends!) and setting up an instagram selling page. What do you guys think? Have you had any success selling your clothes? What worked for you? Would you buy any of my clothes?
If you’d like to see what I bought on my recent Primark Shop you can view my Primark Haul video over on my youtube channel.
10th February 2016 at 8:19 AMYou've made me wanna go to primark! Might have to sneak a little trip there next week! That donut Tshirt is so me too, haha! Love your videos by the way, going to subscribe now 🙂 xx
Sarah Cantwell
10th February 2016 at 8:48 AMHe he! So pleased you like them. Thank you for subscribing xxxx
10th February 2016 at 10:49 AMLove these items. You look great in all of them x
Sarah Cantwell
10th February 2016 at 11:39 AMThank you lovely xx
Sarah Haig
10th February 2016 at 11:15 AMThese are really cute outfits. I always see nie things from Primark and get tonnes of kids clothes there. Weirdly in the adult section I go a bit blind and can never find the lovely stuff (maybe I need to go without my three kiddos and have a really good browse).
Sarah Cantwell
10th February 2016 at 11:41 AMYou do have to hunt to find them. I normally do a quick scan all the way round and then things normally catch my eye and I go in! Watching PRIMARK hauls is a good thing do before you go so you know what to look for xx
kerry norris
10th February 2016 at 8:15 PMThere's nothing I enjoy more than a primark haul. I love the monochrome pieces you've bought. The polar neck is my fave x
Sarah Cantwell
10th February 2016 at 8:52 PMLol, the stuff of dreams! Glad you liked them xx
Jodie Fisher
12th February 2016 at 4:00 PMI love Primark. I recently went for a massive haul. They have lovely bits don't theg
Sarah Cantwell
12th February 2016 at 7:42 PMMe too, You can find some really great bargains! X
Lamb & Bear
13th February 2016 at 11:03 AMLove the stripy tunic!! Even though I;m pregnant I reckon if I bought a couple of sizes I could throw that on over leggings. Great choices xx
14th February 2016 at 5:48 PMI love your choices here. The striped top is my favourite!
Sarah Cantwell
14th February 2016 at 6:24 PMThank you lovely. Mine too I think! It's so easy to where xx
21st February 2016 at 7:33 PMSadly we don't have a primark that close to us so when I go there is dangerous lol. I really like both bits on the left x
Sarah Cantwell
21st February 2016 at 9:02 PMHow sad! I've just found out our local one has down sized. I'm devastated! Thank you xx