How far along? 10 weeks pregnant today.
How is baby doing? At 10 weeks the baby is the size of a Date. It weighs 0.14 ounces and is1.22 inches long. The baby has doubled in weight from last week! The baby now has all it’s internal organs, with the heart being almost fully developed. The ears are nearly formed and the baby’s eye’s are moving from the side to the front of the head.
Maternity clothes: No Maternity clothes yet. I am starting to make a little maternity wish list. I wore some weird clothes last time and I don’t plan on doing the same!
Stretch marks: No stretch marks.
Sleep: I have been feeling a lot more tired this week but it has meant that I have been sleeping better as a result.
Best moment this week: Later this afternoon I have my first midwife appointment. Hopefully we will be able to hear the baby’s heart beat.
Miss anything? Hot baths!
Movement: I obviously can’t feel the baby moving yet but I do think I feel bubbling and flutters as things are moving around down there.
Gender: Unknown
Labour signs: Nope.
Symptoms: I still haven’t felt that sick really. Week 10 is supposed to be the worst week for morning sickness which backs up my theory that I am 2 weeks behind and actually only 8 weeks. My Bump is starting to show some days. My pregnancy spots have seemed to get a little better this week. I feel hot, like really hot all the time, no matter what I wear! I also feel like am sweating a lot more which is pretty gross.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really. I’m still not feeling that Nauseous.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
How I feel? I feel excited. Life is good. Everything is going really well with Nick’s job. It looks like I’ll be able to take Maternity Leave early and then not have to go back to work. We are planning a garage conversion and we don’t need planning permission. Wooo!
Looking forward to: my midwife appointment later today and hopefully hearing the baby’s heart beat.
Update – I had a miscarriage at 11 weeks and 3 days based on the doctor’s original calculations, you can read about it here. Doctors advised my hormone levels at the time of miscarriage suggested I was only 6/7 weeks pregnant.
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