So far this month we have managed to eat lots of things from the garden. We have had onions, lettuce, carrots, corguette, tomatoes and peppers. There have been some fails; broccoli, cauliflower, Chinese salad leaves (who eats these?!) and mongetou. We still have a few things that aren’t quite ready and I’m waiting to see how they will turn out.
In the bed above we have the marrow and corguette plants. The mongetou are definitely dead I really should dig them up. Oh and the onions! I have dug up a few onions but they are still small. I’m not sure if they are still growing. I don’t know whether to just dig them all up or if I leave them in they will get bigger over the winter. I need to research…
Leeks, beets and garlic |
In the three terracotta pots I have beetroot, leeks and garlic, all yet to be sampled! The beetroots look ready so I’m guessing I could probably pull those up. The leeks I think have some kind of ‘leeky’ disease. They don’t look very good at all :-(. The garlic I am also debating whether or not I should pull this up. Any garlic cloves will be very small. I think you are supposed to plant them now for next summer so I completely planted them at the wrong time of year! Like I said more research needed…
Chilli’s |
The chilli plants are doing splendidly, a success!! Although I’m not sure if I should pick them now as they are a good size or wait and see if they will go red. It’s getting colder now so they probably won’t go red just freeze and die, so I should get picking.
More Chilli’s |
Cherry tomatoes. We have eaten lots of these and still have loads more green tomatoes on the plants, because I grew them from seed they were really slow which is why I have ended up with an abundance of green tomatoes.
Cherry tomatoes |
More cherry tomatoes |
This is a cherry tomato monstrosity |
The sweetcorns are growing well but they are not ready yet. The lettuce is over I think. See lettuce in middle square that has bolted to the skies! We have had some carrots and there are still a few more ready to be dug up.
(I think I might pick some carrots and beetroot for tea tonight so I can do roasted veg)
I have had one tiny tiny pepper on the pepper plant but it is now too cold for peppers so that is now ready for the compost heap. The not very sucessful spring onion crop could do with picking soon too.
Sweetcorn and carrot bed |
I’m looking forward to giving all the beds a good tidy up and putting them to bed for winter.
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