How far along? 37 weeks and 5 days Pregnant.
Maternity clothes: Not much to report here. No new maternity clothes. I have really fallen out of love with shopping for clothes at the moment. I’m just trying to wear what still fits at the moment. I’m on maternity leave now so it doesn’t really matter what I wear which is a blessing.
Excuse the bags in the picture above. They are my hospital bags all ready in case I do go into labour. Just keeping it real for you guys, life of a pregnant lady!
Stretch marks: No stretch marks. Hopefully the copious amounts of body butter I am rubbing in will prevent them all together. I can only dream!
Sleep: I was quite tired yesterday so I slept well last night.The night before that, not so much! I have purchased some touché éclat in preparation for when Baby Cantwell makes her appearance so my sleep deprived eyes won’t look so bad.
Best moment this week: Finishing off the nursery. All shelves are up now. We are just waiting for the cot to be delivered which as you know is not coming until september. This is still annoying!
Miss anything? Being able to lie down comfortably.
Movement: Moving lots as always.
Anything making you queasy or sick? I have been suffering from travel sickness on and off since being pregnant. I had it yesterday on our way shopping. I am travelling to Cardiff by car on Saturday. Wish me luck! :-s
Gender: Girl.
Labour signs: No. I have started drinking raspberry leaf tea, it is not to bring on early labour as I initially thought. It is just supposed to strengthen contractions so labour is shorter. I can only hope!
Symptoms: Not being able to bend down is becoming very annoying! I have had a lot more cramps this week. I am wondering if it is the tea.
Belly button in or out? Permanently out.
Wedding rings on or off? On. I watched ‘in the club’ last night and they made her cut her wedding ring off. I hope they don’t make me cut it off.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy.
Looking forward to: Getting back from Cardiff and starting my labour starting mission! I don’t want to be over due.
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