A few weeks ago, Ok more than a few weeks ago, possibly months ago. Ok, at some point in time when I was AWOL from my blog I went to Leeds. This was for my friend Sophia’s Birthday. It was fancy dress and the theme was ‘Sexy Sports’. The emphasis was on SEXAAYY (as per sophia :-))
There was about 20 of us in total and we did the Otley Run. It was a mildly messy affair. All that came made such a big effort and everyone looked fabulous in their outfits. We had so many sports, ranging from basketball players to ballet dancers (Not strictly a sport but their outfits were so good Sophia let them off!)
Here’s what I wore. I am a Polo Player if you can’t guess, with my faithfully stallion Joey (Yes, he is named after War Horse) There is also a pic of Lucy and Nikki as white swan and black swan respectively.
It was such a great night. Big thanks to Sophia for putting us all up in her flat!
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