As you may know it was my birthday a few weeks ago. I wrote a blog post about it here. With birthdays… come presents, yey! I was so overwhelmed with the wonderful gifts my family bought for me this year. I was truly, truly spoilt. I love reading and watching these kind of posts so I thought I’d give you a little round up of the amazing presents I received. ; Eeeek! I still can’t quite believe this is in my possession. It is…
Browsing Tag
Turning 27
12th August 2015The big 2 7. Three years away from 30. Truthfully I’m not too bothered. Age doesn’t seem to matter anymore. Since having Rosalie I have a constant ticking time bomb.…
New Toy
6th August 2014I apologise for being absent the last few days. Its been abit hectic round here. Last Thursday was my last day at work last week before starting maternity. On Friday…
Birthday boy
14th May 2014So a momentous occasion took place last Sunday. My little boy turned 3! Ralph dogs I am a bad mother and I did only realise his birthday was the day before…