Maeve's 11 month Baby update - Roseyhome -baby update, postpartum update, baby, 11 month update, eleven month update


Maeve turned 11 months old on the 8th of April 2017.



Maeve had her 12 month check up with the health visitor on 17th of April and she weighed 22lbs. To give you an idea that is right in the middle of the 75th percentile.


Maeve's 11 month Baby update - Roseyhome -baby update, postpartum update, baby, 11 month update, eleven month update



Maeve wakes up at around 6.30am. If she wakes a little earlier I tend to leave her until 6.30am before I go in and get her. I do want to encourage her to sleep in a little. She doesn’t wake up crying or upset, she just shouts to let me know she is awake. Maeve shouts ‘mam, mam, mam, mam, mam,’ until I go in and get her and when I do she normally beams at me. This girl wakes up happy!

I then bring her into my bedroom where I’ll feed her. It doesn’t take long to feed her at all these days so afterwards we have some cuddles in bed before I get up at around 6.45am. I do my make up and clean me teeth etc before Rosalie wakes up. I have a few toys in our bedroom that Maeve gets out to play with. Rosalie usually comes in about 7/7.30am and she is so good at occupying Maeve whilst I finish off getting dressed. Once I’m ready I get both girls dressed before heading downstairs for breakfast.

Maeve has toast with peanut butter on for breakfast. I just find this so much easier as she can easily help herself to this and I can busy myself tidying the kitchen whilst she feeds herself. After breakfast it’s time to take Rosalie to Preschool so I put Maeve in the pram and we all walk to school. After drop off, we normally get home from school at about 9.05am I feed Maeve and put her down for a nap. She normally sleeps all the way through until 11.30am when its time to go and collect Rosalie. We then head out again in the pram to collect her.

Once we are home we start preparing lunch. We normally have a picnic style snacky lunch as this is what Rosalie always asks for. Maeve likes this too so it works quite well. It is usually made up of half a sandwich, a few crisps, fruit and yogurt.

We then have some playtime. I try and put Maeve down for a nap at around 3pm. I breast feed her first and then put her down. This isn’t always successful these days but I’m clinging on to those naps!

We have dinner together at around 5.30pm when Daddy comes home. Maeve will eat whatever we are having for dinner. She no longer has purees or any special dinners.

Then it’s time for bath and bed. We normally start the bedtime routine at about 6pm/6.15pm. Rosalie and Maeve have a bath together and then I breastfeed Maeve before putting her down in her cot for the night around 7pm.


Maeve's 11 month Baby update - Roseyhome -baby update, postpartum update, baby, 11 month update, eleven month update



Maeve is into everything at the moment. It’s hard to pick a favourite toy. She likes climbing on things and is constantly cruising around the furniture these days. Her favourite toy is probably the coffee table. I’ve got her a little play table for her birthday so I’m hoping she’ll enjoy standing up to that to play. She likes to walk around with her walker like a big girl.


Maeve's 11 month Baby update - Roseyhome -baby update, postpartum update, baby, 11 month update, eleven month update



I always try and put Maeve to bed at 7pm. Most days we manage it but if she is a little later going to bed one day I don’t worry about it.

Maeve has a bath and then I get her dry and dressed in her pyjama’s before breast feeding her before bed. She no longer falls asleep on the boob so some days she isn’t happy about going down but she always settles herself within 5 or 10 minutes. She still has a dummy at bedtime.


Maeve's 11 month Baby update - Roseyhome -baby update, postpartum update, baby, 11 month update, eleven month update



Maeve eats everything! and ALOT. She eats rice, curry, chicken, potatoes, fruit, pasta. I make all our meals from scratch and I only add minimal seasoning so it is fine for us all to have the same.

Maeve hasn’t had any cows milk yet except mixed into foods so I am going to start to give her that now she is nearing 12 months old.

I still breast feed Maeve in the morning and at night and before naps. If we are are out and about I don’t bother feeding Maeve during the day but if we are at home and I think she needs a sleep I will.



I am dressing Maeve in a mixture of 9-12 month and 12-18 month clothing. Maeve has little legs. She isn’t very long but is quite wide.

Maeve is in size 5 nappies.


Maeve's 11 month Baby update - Roseyhome -baby update, postpartum update, baby, 11 month update, eleven month update



Clapping and Waving– Maeve claps and waves

Crawling – Maeve crawls everywhere now. She doesn’t crawl very fast though.
Feeding herself – Maeve can hold a spoon and feed herself. She drinks out of a sippy cup and with a straw.
Cruising – Maeve cruises around the furniture moving from one item to the next. She wont walk unless she is holding onto something. She walks in her walker or with a trolley or if she is holding your hands but she hasn’t taken her first steps on her own.
Gives Kisses – Maeve loves to give kisses. I’m trying to teach her to give cuddles now too.
Gives you things–  Maeve will pass you things if you hold out your hand and say ta.
Speech – She makes a few noises that sound like words. ‘Mama’ ‘Dada’ ‘Hello’
Teeth – Maeve has 4 teeth. All 4 front ones but I don’t think any of them are all the way through.

Maeve's 11 month Baby update - Roseyhome -baby update, postpartum update, baby, 11 month update, eleven month update


Maevie Mouse, 11 months old. Where has the last year gone! I can’t believe it. It’s been wonderful getting to know you and watch you grow. You are loving learning new things and catching up with your big sister.

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  • Reply
    16th May 2018 at 9:49 AM

    Aww I’ve only just discovered your blog, but your little girl sounds like she is doing well and you seem like a proud mum!

    Kay xx

    • Reply
      20th May 2018 at 10:02 PM

      Aw Thank you so much my darling. I hope you have enjoyed your visit and that you stick around 🙂 xx

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