Rosalie’s turned 3 on the 22nd August 2017 so it’s time for her 3 year update. This seems very grown up.
The last 3 years seem to have gone by in a flash. In particular this last year. It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating your 2nd Birthday. Your baby sister joined us in May and since then our days have been a blur. Mummy is still trying to keep up with you both!
You have grown into the most funny and charming little girl. Always wanting to play and make friends. You are a very happy little thing, you love your little sister and are so caring. You often ask me if I am happy. It’s the cutest.
Rosalie weighs 2 stone and 9 lbs.
Rosalie is 100 cms tall.
Our Daily routine will all change as of Monday when Rosalie will start to attend preschool every day so I’ll tell you what our routine has been like for most of the year.
Rosalie usually wakes around 7am. She’ll come into our bedroom and watch the ipad whilst I try and sleep for a little bit longer. We’ll normally stay there until Rosalie has had enough and wants to go downstairs, this isn’t usually very long! We’ll then go downstairs and have our breakfast. Rosalie asks for toast every single day, she likes half a slice with peanut butter on and half a slice with chocolate spread on. She eats that whilst sat on her stool in the living room in front on the tele. Lately Rosalie has been asking to watch Topsy and Tim although Peppa Pig is still a firm favourite.
We then go upstairs and get ready for the day. Rosalie has a Cars electric toothbrush that she chose herself. Rosalie usually lets me brush her hair and put it in bunches just like Topsy.
Since March Rosalie has been attending Preschool on a Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 12.3opm until 3pm. Rosalie has been in blue group and her teacher is called Sarah. We had a few tears at the start of the term but after a week or two she started to love Preschool. She particularly liked the baby chicks that they looked after at Easter and snack time.
Rosalie was attending Gymnastics and Ballet Classes which she really enjoyed. These stopped over the summer but will start again now September is here.
We have dinner at around 5pm every night. I make a point of always trying to sit and eat together.
Since Maeve came along in May daddy has been the main person that puts Rosie to bed each night. After dinner he baths Rosalie and reads her a story before it’s time for bed. Most nights Rosalie goes to sleep without any trouble.
Rosalie usually watches a particular program to death before and moving on to the next program. This year Rosalie has liked Blaze, Peppa, Mister Maker. Her most recent favourite program is Topsy and Tim. She asks to watch this every morning.
Again Rosalie will have a period of playing with a particular toy a lot before moving onto the next thing. Rosalie’s favourite Toy at the moment is her doll’s highchair she loves getting all the plates, spoons and food out and feeding her dollies.
Her favourite videos to watch on Youtube are Baby Alive and Cut open toy videos. If you know, you know!
This week Rosalie has started to attend a number of classes. She goes to ballet on a Tuesday afternoon at 4pm. She has swimming lessons on a Thursday afternoon at 1.30pm and then on a Saturday morning she attends gymnastics classes at 9.45am. Rosalie has only been to one lesson so far but she seems to really enjoy them all.
Rosalie will start preschool on Monday and will be there for 3 hours every day. Although in a way I am a little sad about this as I will miss her, I think she needs it. Rosalie is bright as a button and in all honesty I struggle to keep up with her. She is really looking forward to seeing all of her friends again.
Rosalie is in the Ducklings Class. Her teacher is Mrs Jones. Mrs Pearson and Miss Smith will also be there.
Rosalie’s Bedtime is 7pm. Daddy usually does the bedtime routine. He baths Rosalie, reads her a story and puts her to bed. Rosalie’s favourite bed time story is Jungle Book.
Rosalie is pretty good at eating all her dinner. She only really doesn’t eat it if she has had lots of snacks or is being naughty. We all eat the same dinner every night and we always eat it together at the dining table. The only thing Rosalie didn’t used to eat is leaves (raw spinach) although in the last few weeks she has started to eat those because Daddy told her it would make her big and strong for Gymnastics. They only thing she says she doesn’t like is Avocado. Her favourite foods are macaroni cheese and jacket potato with Tuna Mayo.
Rosalie is still wearing her age 2-3 clothes mainly. She has age 3-4 clothes as well as this is what size I am now buying but they are still a little big. I need to do a big wardrobe clear out as Rosalie has so many clothes it’s getting a little overwhelming. The weather is so changeable lately it’s hard to know what to dress her in.
Rosalie is potty trained now so she wears pants everyday. She does still wear a night time pull up to bed.
Teeth – Rosalie has all her baby teeth now.
Talking – Rosalie’s speech is so good. She amazes me with the things she can say and what she understands. You have to be very careful talking in front of her now as she understands EVERYTHING!
Potty training – Rosalie is now potty trained. She does all wee’s in the toilet but we do still have some poo accidents in her pants.
Health – Rosalie has had chicken pox.
There we have it, Rosalie is now 3 years old.
These years have flown by and it seems like only yesterday I was holding your little newborn self in my arms. You are a little cracker. So energetic and full of life. You are very adventurous and aren’t fazed by many things. You love playing with other little children and seem to make friends wherever we go. We have a wonderful year ahead of us. A ski holiday and 2 weekends away with our friends. I’m looking forward to lots of fun family times together.
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