I really can’t believe we have made it to this point in the pregnancy. I feel such a great sense of relief and I can’t wait to start enjoying this pregnancy. We have so much we plan to do in the next 6 months before baby arrives. I can’t believe in less than 6 months I’ll have a baby. I swear pregnancy’s get quicker the more you have. Wooo! Congratulations to me!!!
I really need to get my act together and start filming my announcement video so I can share this lovely news with you all. It’s really getting quite exciting now.
How far along? 12 weeks and 4 days
Due date? 7th May 2017
How is baby doing? Baby’s liver and spleen are now producing blood cells, and the pancreas is beginning to release digestive enzymes. Baby’s liver accounts for 10% of the total weight, which is about half and ounce. The muscular system and nervous system are responding to each other and baby is able to bend, stretch, kick and even make faces. These movements are not occurring in response to anything but the are occurring none the less. The sex of the baby is becoming more pronounced and the kidneys are now producing urine from the amniotic fluid that he or she ingests. Baby wont be using their lungs until birth so all the oxygen they need is coming from the placenta. Baby is 2.13 inches long and weighs 14g and is the size of a plum.
Maternity clothes: I repurchased the Asos maternity jeans which I have linked here. I bought them in a size 12 this time round to give me a bit more room seeing as I busted out of the first pair but I don’t like them as much. They are not as tight so they seem to fall down and I have a saggy crotch. I am not a fan of a saggy crotch.
No other maternity clothes have been purchased although I do need to dig out the maternity clothes that I put away after having Rosalie.
Stretch marks: No Stretch Marks yet. Still havn’t started applying body butter every night and I really need to. I’m convinced this is why I didn’t get stretch marks last time with Rosalie so I really need to but I keep forgetting to apply.
Sleep: Not great. A few late nights coupled with my daily early start with Rosalie is starting to make me really tired. I have absolutely no motivation to do anything. It’s actually a little annoying as I have A LOT to do.
Best moment this week: We had our 12 weeks scan this week, it fell on our 3 year wedding anniversary which was so lovely. Everything went well and our beautiful baby was in the perfect position to get some excellent photos. I can’t believe we have made it this far, this is really happening people!!
Miss anything? Not really, I’ve been limiting my coffee intake to one a day and I’ve kind of got used to it now. I just HATE having to take these horrible pregnancy vitamins every day!
Movement: I have definitely been feeling a bubbling sensation. I’m not sure if its baby or just my digestive system!
Gender: We still don’t know. I did ask the sonographer to have a look and she did look between the babies legs. There was something there, like a little white mound between the baby’s legs. I asked the Sonographer if it was a little willy but she wouldn’t confirm or deny this. I suppose it could have been the ubilical cord but it definitely looked like a little willy. Hey baby boy! We have booked an early gender scan for 4 weeks time.
Labour signs: Nope.
Symptoms: General Nausea day to day. Very large boobies. I do seem to have a bump forming now as well, it doesn’t look like a bump yet though, more like a fat belly.
Anything making you queasy or sick? I was sick for the first time this pregnancy 2 days ago. I have a really bad cold at the moment and I am drowning in snot which is making me feel more sick.
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
How I feel? So so happy to have reached 12 weeks. I feel like it is really happening. We have so much to do now in preparation for baby’s arrival. In less than 6 months I’ll have a baby!! Ahhhhh!
Looking forward to: The next pregnancy mile stone will be the gender scan in 4 weeks’ time. I can’t wait to have this confirmed. It’s so exciting.
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