My Birth Plan and Why you NEED one!

Birth plan - Roseyhome - Birth, labour, birth plan, pregnancy, labour, why you need a birth plan


Today, I am sharing my birth plan with you all and why I think they are so so important.

I, for one, couldn’t communicate during my labour. I mean I could talk, I wasn’t a mute. It was just the last thing I wanted to do. I was quite happy to be left alone in the corner, doing my thing.

This meant I wasn’t able to convey what, in an ideal birth situation, I wanted. Luckily I had a birth plan which had it all written down. I didn’t have to rely on my husband to speak for me. Imagine if he’d got it wrong!

I had two midwives during my labour and it meant that both of them could read my birth plan and understand the kind of birth I wanted.

On my original birth plan with Rosalie I had written down that I didn’t want my baby to have the Vitamin K injection. My midwife came over and discussed this with me and explained why she felt that Rosalie should have it and I changed my mind. Rosalie did have the vitamin K injection and I will have it again when baby No.2 is born.

I can’t stress enough why I think you should have a birth plan. It just means all you thoughts, fears, expectations can be explained to the midwives without you having to say a word. The peace of mind that gave me during my labour was invaluable.

I have added a copy of my birth plan that you can download and use as a guide when you create your own plan for your birth. I hope it helps!


I talk more about my birth plan in the video below…

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  • Reply
    Vikki Holness
    23rd November 2016 at 12:55 PM

    My birth plans went completely out of the window with my two – the first came 10 weeks early and the second was delivered by emergency c-section 3 weeks early – but you are so right in stressing about how important it is to have one in place! xx

  • Reply
    Rebecca | AAUBlog
    23rd November 2016 at 2:14 PM

    I’ve had no contractions and have two kids, so my birth plan didn’t happen with the first and was non existent withy second! (an emergency section after a hostile appointment and then an advised c-section). But I agree that for a straightforward labour it is a good idea. Neither of mine had the vitamin K and both my midwives said not to have it either – how interesting how it all varies (though it isn’t needed as much after a section apparently as the birth wasn’t as traumatic on baby’s body as a natural labour would be) x

  • Reply
    23rd November 2016 at 8:45 PM

    I never really had a birth plan with my first- although his whole birth from stat to finish wasn’t anything I could have planned for because it was medicalised root he get go. With the second one I know I need to feel more in control of the birth. I’m not sure how I want to do it as an elective c section is an option for me, but whatever I choose I need to make sure my voice is heard.

    • Reply
      28th November 2016 at 8:12 PM

      Aw bless you. It’s so horrible when you don’t feel in control of the situation. I would definitely recommend a birth plan as although I couldn’t talk I knew the midwives understood what I wanted. The worst part of my whole labour was the maternity assessment unit when I didn’t know what was going to happen of whether the birthing unit I wanted had space for me. I’m opting for a home birth this time to try and eliminate that bit altogether. I’ve heard lots of mama’s have wonderful elective c section experiences xx

  • Reply
    23rd November 2016 at 8:46 PM

    I should really check my spelling before I send lol.
    *start to finish
    *medicalised from the

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    Let's Flip A Home
    24th November 2016 at 6:31 PM

    I always wanted a date birth, but then when I was pregnant I was high risk so that idea went out the window. I suppose I had a plan as such, I didn’t want any pain relief. However it all ended in an emergency c-section, so I guess for me I wish I was more prepared about all the options.

    • Reply
      Let's Flip A Home
      24th November 2016 at 6:31 PM

      Water birth that should have said.

    • Reply
      28th November 2016 at 7:35 PM

      I thought I wanted a water birth too but I am so glad I didn’t have one! xx

  • Reply
    27th November 2016 at 8:06 PM

    I had a plan with Jack and it didn’t go to plan at all. Thankfully I wasn’t that bothered as I know some people are so rigid about it and with Phoebs I didn’t really have one x

    • Reply
      28th November 2016 at 5:27 PM

      I think it’s such a good starting point regardless of what happens. I was so lucky that I got pretty much all I wanted xx

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    Steph (@steph_baybee)
    27th November 2016 at 9:07 PM

    My birth plan went out the window during labour, but I do think they are a good place to start but keeping your mind open to change!

    • Reply
      28th November 2016 at 5:26 PM

      Definitely! Sorry to hear that yours didn’t go to plan but good that you adapted and got everything you needed! xx

  • Reply
    This Mama Life
    29th November 2016 at 4:33 PM

    It’s good to have a plan but it’s also good to know that 9 times out of 10, it won’t go to plan! It’s good to have a rough idea of what you’d like to happen written down, but to be prepared to just go with the flow a bit 🙂 You’ll do great!x

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