Did you know that 61% of new mum’s wish that they’d worried less in the first year with their new baby?
I was one of them!
I have written a letter to my first time mama self, telling her all the things I wish I’d known back then. It made me quite emotional to write this especially on the eve of Rosalie’s 2nd birthday. Where has my baby gone?!
You can watch my Dear Me letter over on my Youtube Channel.I hope you like it.
I’d love to know what you’d put in your letter so let me know by leaving a comment below.
Rebecca U
18th August 2016 at 3:25 PMfab video. I certainly wish i had worried less and just enjoyed the little things more. I certainly did worry less with my second x
The London Mum
18th August 2016 at 9:07 PMYes! I look back and I wish I'd just enjoyed those first few months instead of constantly panicking and worrying. Second time around I'll be much more relaxed I hope.
Lauren Belle du Brighton
18th August 2016 at 10:51 PMLove this idea! I'd tell myself to stop comparing my baby to others and to avoid the 'advice' everyone gives out
Angela Milnes
18th August 2016 at 11:19 PMWhat a fab idea. I had no idea when I became a mum. I learnt everything about pregnancy but when it came to having the baby afterwards I was in for a big shock.
Everything Mummy
19th August 2016 at 8:22 AMAh love this, defo worried too much with my eldest by number three I was just like meh yeah its fine! x
Vikki Holness
19th August 2016 at 9:37 AMGreat video. My eldest was born 10 weeks prematurely so i did nothing but worry about him for the first two years of his life but i certainly wish i had spent less time worrying with my second child. I think it's just a natural protective instinct as a mother to worry about your child, but i would definitely tell my "new mum" self to relax and embrace the little moments a bit more. xx
Sabrina Jillah
19th August 2016 at 9:36 PMAw such a lovely video, it made me well up a bit as I can really relate! I've now got my second baby (she's 7 weeks) and I'll be sure to cuddle her, kiss her, smell her – not worry about routines and rules this time round! xx