Miscarriage No.1 – 11 week Update

How far along? 11 weeks pregnant today.


Due date? The 10th June 2016


How is baby doing? Baby is the size of a fig. It’s finger nails are beginning to form . At some point this week blood will begin circulating between the uterus and the foetus and the placenta will begin to function. The baby looks more human now with a visible neck, straighter back and thicker skin. Although the head is almost as big as the baby’s body.


Maternity clothes: No maternity clothes purchased or worn yet. Although I am living in leggings.


Stretch marks: No stretch marks.


Sleep: I feel like I have been having some very strange dreams this week, which probably means I am not sleeping as deeply.


Best moment this week: I made a new friend this week who is 9 weeks pregnant. I’m looking forward to going on this pregnancy journey together.


Miss anything? Not yet. I don’t think I have had to give up anything yet. Except food. Oh I did have to forgo my usual pate starter at the works Christmas do which was annoying.


Movement: No baby movement yet.


Gender: Unknown


Labour signs: Nope.


Symptoms: I felt a little nauseous this morning before I ate my breakfast but I still have not felt that sick. Morning sickness wasn’t that bad with Rosalie though so I’m not too worried. Pregnancy spots have got a lot better this week. I hope they are on their way out! I’m still having serious temperature control issues. I feel hot all the time.


Anything making you queasy or sick? Not particularly


Belly button in or out? In


Wedding rings on or off? On


Happy or moody most of the time: Happy


How I feel? I feel good, tired but good. We have our scan. And then it will be Christmas. And then I’ll be firmly in my 2nd trimester.


Looking forward to: Next week’s 12 week scan and having our due date confirmed.


Update – I had a miscarriage at 11 weeks and 3 days based on the doctor’s original calculations, you can read about it here. Doctors advised my hormone levels at the time of miscarriage suggested I was only 6/7 weeks pregnant.

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  • Reply
    Anonymous Anonymous
    26th February 2016 at 2:53 PM

    Hi Sarah. I'm a new follower and I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my first baby at 7 weeks and I have never felt more devastated in my life. It was such a huge shock, I hadn't even considered it would happen. I am now 21 weeks pregnant and only in the last month or so have I let myself believe I might actually be a mummy this time around. But I am so much more grateful now I know how fragile that teeny tiny little bean is at the beginning. Your baby girl is beautiful and I'm sure your next bubba will be just as beautiful. I don't know if I believe everything happens for a reason but I know everything is a lesson. Shame some of those lessons have to be so hard! Thinking of you. Rianna. x

    • Reply
      Sarah Cantwell
      26th February 2016 at 4:58 PM

      Thank you for your comment Rianna. I am so sorry to hear that you have also been through this. It is truly awful. I am very pleased to hear you are expecting again. Stories like yours give me hope that one day, when the time is right we will have another little baby xx

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