Hospital trip

I said in my last post that I hoped normal blogging would resume this week. However I’m going to have to take a rain check on that!

This little pickle spent the night in hospital last night due to an unexplained red dot rash on her scalp and arms.
They have taken bloods but first lot of results were inconclusive so they have taken more bloods and are running more tests. They have given Rosalie antibiotics to be on the safe side. The consultant let us home this evening but we have got to go back tomorrow for a review and more antibiotics. Rosalie seems ok, just not herself.
I hope to be back with your shortly.
See you when I see you.
UPDATE: Rosalie and I went in for our appointment at 11am at the hospital. At 12.30pm the gave Rosalie some more antibiotics and then they let us go again. Day 1 results from the blood culture have come back negative which is a good sign. They are going to call us tomorrow with day 2 blood culture and meningitis test results.
UPDATE 2: The doctor called today with the results of Rosalie’s blood test. Nothing showed as a bacterial infection in the blood cultures and the meningitis test was negative. They have said it is most likely a ‘viral rash’. Rosalie has already had one course of antibiotics so we just have to wait for her to get better on her own. Lots of cuddles and sleep needed I think!
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  • Reply
    Emily Vaughan
    9th July 2015 at 12:04 PM

    Poor baby and poor parents! How is she getting on now?! Xx

    • Reply
      Sarah Cantwell
      9th July 2015 at 12:13 PM

      Thankfully, she seems alright really, not sick, just sleepy and grouchy. She is still playing with her toys, just wants more cuddles and if she trips or something isn't going to plan she cries. She's had more naps than she normally does. I think it'll just take time and rest for her to get back to herself. Still waiting for call from docs. Xxx

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