On Saturday, Rosalie and I went to Nick’s Mum’s house for lunch as Auntie Lucy was home. Rosalie dressed up especially for the occasion in the outfit above. On Saturday evening I went out for the first time on my own since Rosalie has been born! I went out to dinner with all the mum’s from my NCT class. It was a lovely evening and I had a great time with the ladies. Nick and Rosalie didn’t have such a good time at home :-s
On Sunday Nick was working, so Rosalie and I went to visit her Grandma and Great Grandma.
On Monday, My mum and I went to Aldi as the baby and toddler event was on. I bought rather a lot. You can view all my purchases by watching my
Aldi Haul Video.
On Tuesday, we spent the morning at home. Rosalie played whilst I cleaned. In the afternoon I took Rosalie to be weighed. She weighed 17lbs 5oz.
On Wednesday, my friend Emma came over with her daughter Ivy for a play date. Ivy was a little darling and loved to help me take care of Rosalie. She kept wanting to give Rosalie cuddles and kisses. She was so gentle with her. It was very sweet.
On Friday Nick was home so we went to visit Nick’s Nan. It was lovely to see her. She had dug out all Nick’s old toys, they were over 20 years old and some of them may have been Nick’s Mum’s! Rosalie loved them. Nanny Pat even had some cream eggs for us too!
Here is what Rosalie had to eat this week:::
31st Jan – Breakfast – Porridge and Apple
– Lunch – Pear – 4 tablespoons
– Dinner – Sweet Potato and Kale – 4 tablespoons
1st Feb – Breakfast – Porridge and Pear
– Lunch – Carrot and Broccoli – Rosalie didn’t eat this
– Dinner – Pear – 4 tablespoons
2nd Feb – Breakfast – Porridge and Pear
– Lunch – None
– Dinner – Carrot and Broccoli – 4 tablespoons
3rd Feb – Breakfast – Porridge and Apple
– Lunch – Sweet potato and kale/Pear – 2 tablespoons of each
– Dinner – Carrot and broccoli/Banana – 2 tablespoons of each
4th Feb – Breakfast – Porridge and Pear
– Lunch – Carrot and Broccoli/Apple – 2 tablespoons of each
– Dinner – None5th Feb – Breakfast – Porridge and Pear
– Lunch – Carrot/Apple – 2 tablespoons of each
– Dinner – None
6th Feb – Breakfast – Porridge and Banana
– Lunch – None
– Dinner – Broccoli and Carrot/Pear – 2 tablespoons of each
On Saturday I started feeding Rosalie 3 meals a day. She ate all 3 the first day but then began to go off her food. I think she came down with something. Rosalie really wasn’t herself so I think she was a little under the weather. She wasn’t breast feeding as much either. So I went back to giving her only two meals a day and trying to breast feed as much as I could so I knew she was getting the nutrients she needed. She is back to normal now so I might try reintroducing the third meal again this week.

I have also started to give Rosalie two different types of food at each meal time. I try to give her a savoury puree followed by something sweet so its like she has dinner and dessert. I am giving her one portion of each now instead of two portions of one type of puree. This seems to be working better, by mixing it up she doesn’t get bored of the same thing. Rosalie tends to prefer the fruit so always gobbles that up whereas getting her to eat sweet potato and kale could sometimes be hard work.
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