Some mornings I don’t wear any make up. For someone that previously would not leave the house without a full face of make up EVERYDAY, this is a big thing.
Most days, however, I wear my mummy make up. I can do this in less than 10 minutes. I can nearly always occupy Rosalie for that amount of time. I’ve uploaded my 10 minute mummy make up routine to my youtube channel.
I thought I’d share with you my top five tips for speedy make up:
1. Use Brushes
For a very long time I didn’t use brushes at all. I used a brush for powder, blush and blending but I preferred the precision of foam applicators for my eye make up. I would spend hours making sure my eye make up was perfect that each eye was identical. Now I don’t bother. I don’t have time to care.
It’s been revolutionary. You can apply a good smoky eye in minutes using a basic brush set. They won’t be exact but they will blend softly. As I’m getting older I’m realising that a softly blended eye is much more flattering than harsh definition. It’s taken a while mumma but I got there!
2. Less is more
Don’t overload your brushes with product. It is much better to build up a few thin coats than to apply one heavy layer. This applies to foundation, eyeshadow… the lot. It is much easier to add a little more product than to try and rectify a product overload. It will go clumpy, start coming off in patches… Nightmare!
For special occasions I have been known to apply a double layer of foundation, letting it dry in between each coat, to get a really flawless look. On my wedding day, I applied three coats of foundation. Don’t Judge me.
3. Go lighter
If your nervous about applying your make up quickly go for a shade a little lighter than you normally would. It will be easier to blend thus saving you time. There is nothing worse than an orange tide line. A tell tale sign that someone has done their make up in a hurry.Same applies to your eye make up. A light eye shadow colour applied questionably won’t show up as badly as a dark shade would. It will be more forgiving. Personally, I skip eye shadow all together.
4. No Brows
Mumma ain’t got time for no brows!
A good brow takes time to perfect. In my opinion there is nothing worse than a badly drawn on brow. If you haven’t got time to do your brows properly then don’t do them at all.
Look after your brows, have them shaped regularly, and tinted if you feel they are not dark enough. If nicely groomed all your brows will need is a good brush. Maybe a slick of a clear mascara/brow mascara if you reeeally feel you need to use something on them but that will be all you need to keep them looking tidy.
5. Nude Lip
Go for a nude lip. I’d stretch as far as a pink lip but no more. You should not be trying out a ravishing red lip when time is of the essence. A dark lip takes time for even the most accomplished lip stick wearer (for which I am not!) to apply.
A little trick I use is to apply Vaseline/lip balm to my lips before applying my lipstick. It means your lips are nice and smooth and your lipstick will glide on effortlessly in about two seconds. It won’t last and the colour pay off won’t be as good, obviously. However, it means you get the look when you leave the house and arrive wherever your going. Then later on it will have worn off so when your baby is released from their car seat/pushchair and their little handies swipe at your mouth that they don’t get lipstick all over themselves and more importantly they don’t smear lipstick all over your face!!
I hope you enjoy the video! Don’t forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you do 🙂
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