Grandma came over on monday of this week and so Rosalie and I had a nice day with her. We popped into town and had a look around.
Rosalie’s rash got really bad over the weekend so I started to apply the cream every few hours. Rosalie looked like a ghost for most of the week!
We also hadĀ to go back to the doctors on Tuesday for Rosalie to have silver nitrate put on her belly button to help it heal.
Rosalie’s first smile caught on camera š |
I also went to baby group this week for the first time. It was really good and I met a few new mummies.
On Friday Nick had the day off so we had a ‘family day’. We went shopping in Oxford and had lunch out.
We managed to get a picture of Rosalie smiling this week. She smiled for the first time last week but weĀ hadn’t been able to capture it. Rosalie and I spend the night away from home for the first time, RosalieĀ slept in a travel cot at my mum’s house and was absolutely fine, she slept through the whole night.
Rosalie also had a little nap in her big girl cot for the first time.
You canĀ watch the video of Rosalie’s seventh week of life. You will see how bad her rash was, poor little thing! Thankfully sheĀ wasn’t sick or in pain with it, she just had a very red face!
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