The Garden Plan

So this year I am going all out square foot garden. I grew vegetables last year in raised beds but still followed the single row gardening method within my beds. This year I am going truly SFG!

I have new raised beds. The mel’s mix is ready to go in. I’m still thinking about what I can make my square foot grid out of but at the moment I am swaying towards using slats from an old blind. I have decided on what I am going to grow. I am going to try and grow lots of new things. I have drawn up a rather lovely plan of my beds. I have also marked on the calendar when I need to plant what so nothing should be forgotten.

After umming and ahhing about whether to grow from seed or plant out bought plants this year. I have decided to go with the seed. My step grandma had already given me lots of seed packets last year and so the only seed packet I bought this year was one packet of carrot seeds! And as you will see from my plan I am planning on growing a variety of different vegetables.

I have planted out my first seeds. The broccoli seeds (as you will see I am only planting one broccoli plant this year, After my massive broccoli FAIL last year I am learning!) and parsley seeds for my herb shelf. These are looking good on the kitchen window.

I have also started chitting my potatoes so hopefully it won’t be long till I can plant those out.

My mother has advised me I need to dead head my hydrangea this week but with all this rain I don’t want to go out! I hope it stays off for a few hours this weekend so I can do the necessary in the garden.

I have also tried to grow some new hydrangea plants taken from cuttings . This is a first for me and so far so good. The cuttings are looking really healthy.

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